Aveton Gifford

Rosie Warillow | 07779290653 or email [email protected]

The Aveton Gifford Car Show date is rapidly approaching and the good news is that there are ninety exhibitors already booked, which should make for an interesting and varied show. Last year's show was a great success with the money raised going to local organisations such as the community pool, the Hive preschool and the play park. The car show will take place on the Bank Holiday weekend on Sunday, August 25th. And the organisers are hoping for a similarly successful event. With a busy event expected, what's needed are volunteers to act as marshalls assisting the exhibitors, the public and parking. If you are able to spare an hour or two, please contact the organisers at [email protected]

for more details and to register your interest. An advance notice now of an event hoping to take place in October. The village hall is hoping to organise a Skittles evening and needs participants. Are you a member of a group or perhaps have a family group that might be interested? an organisation maybe? If so why not contact Jan Sorrell by email at [email protected] . The W.I. don't have a formal meeting in August but does hope to go on a picnic. The ladies hope to welcome any new members to come along and enjoy an afternoon out, so if anyone is interested please contact Maggie Skates on 01548 550153. Following the shop A.G.M in June it seems that there is a need to have more members on the shop management committee. This is a light duty with only a couple of hours each month needed to be dedicated. If you think you can help please contact the committee through the village website. St Andrews has a Sunday Worship service starting at the usual time of 11am this Sunday. All are welcome to attend and there are refreshments available after the service.

Cornwood and Lutton

News from the Cornwood and Lutton Magazine

The Craft morning, at the beginning of July, saw us celebrating two of our members’ birthdays - with cake and of course, fizz! Also singing Happy Birthday! (though not very well...)

We did, however, stop chatting for a while to continue cutting material, knitting, sewing and crocheting, all in readiness for the Craft Fair on 30th November. We now have a nice selection of handmade items ready for sale.

The Walking group had a very enjoyable trip to Dawlish this month. Ten members met up at Ivybridge station and caught the train to Dawlish. After a short walk to a cafe for coffee, we strolled around the Lawns and then down to The Brook to watch the resident black swans with their brood of cygnets. We then headed off down to the promenade to find a suitable spot for a picnic lunch. Compared with several wet walks undertaken earlier this year, we were all delighted to enjoy some sunshine along with the fresh sea air. A walk along the sea wall to Dawlish Warren followed lunch and of course, a delicious ice cream for pudding was a must. A train ride back to Ivybridge finished off the day and we all decided that it had been a very special day. Thank you Joyce for organising it.

The next day the WI group held a special Cream Tea event in the Village Hall to celebrate the 107th birthday of the Cornwood branch. With tables decked out in white linen tablecloths, pretty napkins and cheerful bunting hanging from the eaves, the Hall looked a treat. WI members provided table service to friends and villagers who received homemade scones, jam and cream plus unlimited tea or coffee; (“thank you” Annette, scone maker par excellence!) Thank you also to all those who came to support us and help us celebrate our birthday.

Our group meeting was held on 7th July when we welcomed our guest speaker, Purdy Giles. With a large majority of members attending, we all watched her demonstrate how to make vegetable pakora, also known as bhaji. Whilst she chopped up lots of lovely, colourful vegetables, Purdy told us of her life experiences whilst growing up in England in a traditional Punjabi household and of the various challenges she had encountered. We learnt about using ‘gram flour’, which is ground chickpea flour and then had the joy of sampling her food which she cooked in the kitchen. All the members enjoyed the warm way Purdy shared her life story with us and the enthusiasm she brought to her cooking.

Finally, two of our members attended a workshop at the Devon Federation WI headquarters, just outside Exeter. An informative morning designed for branch committee members, looking at how to develop interesting annual programmes of outings, speakers and activities for local branches.

Our next monthly meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th August in Cornwood Village Hall. The Council have agreed a quote for the repainting needed at the Cornwood Playpark. There is some urgency to have the work completed, to enable an official opening of the Park to take place this Summer. The Council has agreed a request for a £300 donation towards the cost of supporting our Parish residents who use their services. Specific data provided by the CAB showed that 31 residents had used the service in 2023/24 for advice and in some cases, to secure significant financial savings. It was noted that this represents around £10 per resident.