The Kingsbridge and Salcombe Estuary is set to welcome a renewable energy-powered electric vessel to its waters in 2025, as part of a community-focused initiative led by local social enterprise Till the Coast is Clear.

The Dolphin Project centres around the transformation of a beautiful but tired old wooden diesel motor cruiser into a future-focused, renewable energy-powered eco-tourism and educational vessel managed and operated by the local community.

The Dolphin Project
The Dolphin Project (The Dolphin Project )

Work is already well underway, with many volunteer hours poured into the 'labour of love' project, which is being supported by local businesses, as well as funding from The Devon Environment Foundation and South Hams District Council via a Rural England Prosperity Fund Clean Diversification Grant.

Dolphin Project
Dolphin Project (Dolphin Project )
The Dolphin Project
The Dolphin Project (The Dolphin Project )

The volunteers are being supported by a project management team that includes several professional boat builders, an experienced yacht surveyor, and a boat refurbishment expert, so it is in good hands.

There is no doubt that refurbishing an old wooden boat like this is labour-intensive, and there will be plenty of challenges to overcome along the way. But, as project coordinator Gary Jolliffe said: "This beautiful old boat has a rich history of putting smiles on people’s faces and enriching lives, so it is a real privilege to be working with such a fantastic team of volunteers and professionals to help up-cycle Dolphin into service for the community so many more people can experience the beauty of the estuary and connect with nature."

A crowdfunding campaign has been set up to support the project, and there are many ways to contribute, including having your name etched onboard for £20. There are also some fantastic rewards to 'bag,' including voyages onboard Dolphin with wildlife experts and hospitality, rum-tasting experiences with the Devon Rum Company, and children’s forest days with Forest & Beach.

For a limited time, the project is receiving triple match funding via The Devon Environment Foundation and The Aviva Community Fund, which means every £1 donated equals £3—a fantastic boost towards the target, which is already 45 per cent of the way there.

The project is still looking for additional support from local organisations and businesses, so please get in touch if you are interested in getting involved.

The project would also like to extend a huge thank you to Rockfish Seafood Restaurants for a project initiation grant, Yeoward Boat Yards & Marine Services for hosting the refurbishment, and all those who have pitched in their enthusiasm, time, and expertise in helping get the work underway.

To donate to the CrowdFunder,— select ‘explore' and type in ‘The Dolphin Project.’

For more information, or if you would like to get involved, including joining the volunteer team, please use the contacts below.

Call Gary on 07817910115, email: [email protected], or visit their website