At the AGM on January 8th, members very much enjoyed an outstanding talk from renowned journalist, broadcaster and author John Suchet.

John has written highly acclaimed books on many composers and on this occasion told us how Vienna became the music capital of the world and the stimulus of the Strauss dynasty. Though the family were rendered asunder by jealousy and competition, and desertion by his father, Johann Strauss the Younger became the Waltz King. Only one piece by his father is now well recognised.

With insights into the Habsburg Empire, European politics and rapidly changing social mores, John's informative and fascinating talk inspired many members to purchase John's 'The Last Waltz' and book for his next talk - on Beethoven at the Flavel on 24th January.

John then joined members at lunch at the George & Dragon and continued beguiling us most entertainingly.

Dartmouth Probus welcomes retired and semi-retired professionals and businessmen to join their programme of events.

The Probus Club of Dartmouth was founded in 1976 and meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month for coffee followed by a talk. On the first Wednesday of the month, lunch is arranged for those who wish, but there is no requirement to attend meetings or stay for lunch.

There is no rigid dress code, though most members wear jackets and tie.

Talks are arranged in an annual programme by the Speaker's Secretary and comprise an eclectic mix of educational and entertaining subjects. Many talks are given by members – on their careers, their hobbies, and their interests. Members are under no obligation to give a talk, although as with all clubs, any help a member can give by offering a talk, or by taking office, is much appreciated.

More details can be found at