Kingsbridge police have warned local business owners to be alert after reports of a man scamming people with counterfeit £50 notes have circulated. 

In a post on social media on Tuesday October 4th, police said: “Retailers and local businesses please be aware that we had reports of a male in Kingsbridge yesterday attempting to use a counterfeit £50 note to purchase goods.  He was successful at one store and may well have tried others.  He was active across South Hams and may well try again today. Please report anything suspicious of this nature to us.”

The man is described as a white male, 40 to 50 years, stocky build, 5'8", greying facial hair, a green coat, blue jeans and carrying a shoulder bag.

These incidents have been reported in multiple areas across the South Hams. 

PS Peter Shotton, Neighbourhood Team Leader, said: “At this time we are aware of incidents in Churston, Yealmpton and Kingsbridge but I suspect there will be more across the region.  I'm hopeful that further attempts were met with refusals at many businesses. It appears the suspect was the same on each occasion. He remains unidentified at this time but we have excellent CCTV footage of him which may be released to the public should he remain outstanding."

Vicky Holloway fell victim to the scam after the gentleman targeted Churston Golf Club. She said: “It’s really embarrassing that I got caught out by a very obvious £50 fake note. He came in and said that he wanted a sleeve of golf balls for £13.95, it was for his father in law. He gave me the note and it didn’t feel right but he offered £4 coins and I gave him two £20 notes change. He took the time to talk about his young son having lessons and asked when they (are) on.

“As soon as he left I realised it was fake and saw him walking across the main road, so I jumped in my car to take his picture but by the time I got out there, he was gone. I’m guessing he must be with someone else driving a car.

“My friend works at Dartmouth Golf club and gave exactly the same story but the lad in the shop just laughed at him saying it was a fake to which he replied that someone gave it to him in the bookies. 

“I feel very stupid about the whole episode but didn’t have my glasses on and I tend to trust people - not anymore! My boss was reporting him to the police but I’m guessing he will have moved onto new pastures.” 

If you have any information about the individual, please contact Kingsbridge Police.