An online conference on animal conservation is taking place on Wednesday February 15th, where a variety of speakers will share their research and experience in the animal conservation field. 

The event, which will take place during the February half term, will be an extensive conference with several talks covering a wide variety of themes, from marine biology to wild birds, community action, animal behaviour and much more. There will be a one-hour lunch break, and the opportunity to ask speakers questions about their presentations.

Organisers said: “Login to Zoom from 10 am GMT and learn about animal conservation with us! Can't make it live? Don't worry, we will send all ticket holders the recording so you won't miss a thing!  We will send you joining details once sales end.”

The confirmed Speakers include Stephanie Rowe (People power); Laura Roberts (Confessions of a conservationist); Stuart Collier (Bird flu and the impact on wild birds); Jessie Brice (Uncovering mutualisms for seagrass meadow conservation); Katy Upton (Should we keep frogs in glass boxes? and The impacts of chytrid fungus); Ellie White (A roost in your roof! Changing perceptions about living with bats); Stuart Collier (Rewilding in the UK, a review) and Anna Davies (Bee in the urban landscape and how we can help them).

The tickets for the event are £20 and can be found at: