Councillor Emily Price received unanimous support from her fellow town councillors who have voted her their new mayor.
Cllr Price will take up her new role at the official mayor making ceremony on May 19.
She was nominated by the current mayor, Cllr Ben Piper, at the recent full town council meeting.
Cllr Piper said: “I am proud to nominate my colleague Cllr Price who has done sterling work in the council matters committee.
“I think she will be a really, really good candidate for that.”
No other names were put forward for the role.
Councillors were advised the mayor has authority to appoint a deputy mayor at their discretion.
Cllr Louise Webberly said she would be “concerned” if Cllr Price chose Cllr Piper, who she described as “divisive” and “combative.”
“Can I just ask, Cllr Price, who do you intend to have for your deputy?
“Can I just say, and I really am a bit uncomfortable saying this, I’m only concerned if it’s Cllr Piper.
“I do know, Cllr Piper, that you do have the best intentions and you have a lot of energy and passion about some projects, but I also know you can be quite divisive and at times combative in the town.
“We need someone who is a bit more moderate and fair minded who can bring the council together.”
She added: “We have had a very difficult year. We’ve had five councillors go.”
Cllr Piper retorted: “We’ve had more unanimous votes since I’ve been chair than ever in the history of the town council.”

Cllr Price said Cllr Piper didn’t have an “appetite” for the role of deputy mayor, and that she had yet to decide who she would chose.
“I haven’t concluded my thoughts,” said Cllr Price.
“This is a very recent decision actually. I hummed and haaad for a long time.
“I like doing the behind the scenes stuff, the council matters things. I’m a bit ambivalent, let’s say, about the more public face, being the big noisy one, but I finally concluded yesterday that I would give it a go, partly because Cllr Piper needs to focus on some of his stuff outside of the council.
“It has taken up an enormous amount of his time, so to alleviate the pressure on him a bit.
“I will think about it. I don’t think I have to decide tonight so I will dwell on that.”