A new micro-scale community project has been launched to help us will our rubbish and recycling collections.

Southhamsbins.co.uk is the brainchild of Totnes-based software engineer Anthony Sennett who wanted to improve on the official site provided by South Hams District Council.

Anthony said: “I made this website so that I could easily find my next collection without having to re-enter my address each time, and I thought other people might also find it useful. The times of collections changes for bank holidays and this is an easy way of knowing the best times to put the bins out.”

It’s the similar to the official website, only this one remembers your address, so that you don’t have to enter it repeatedly.

If you’re tired of repeatedly entering your address details into the South Hams website, or find it difficult to read, you might benefit from this website. You can simply enter your postcode and select your address to see your next collection details. When you revisit the page in the future, your address will be filled in already so there is no need to re-enter it.

All non-private domestic collections are covered: glass bottles and jar collection, plastic collection, metal collection, refuse collection, mixed paper collection, compost and garden waste collection, batteries and printer cartridge collections. Medical waste and other confidential collections are not covered.

Anthony concluded: “The website is for you if you can never remember what rubbish goes out on what days. Remember that the collection days change.”