If you’ve missed the Harberton Housing Consultation Event there is still time to engage and share your views online.

The exhibition and events were vibrant and well attended, and raised important ideas, questions and issues.

Harberton Parish Steering Group plan to publish a summary of what people say in questionnaires, and responses to this, in early September.

The Parish Council will consider this document at its next meeting on Tuesday September 10.

The full current draft of the Neighbourhood Plan and all key supporting documents are available on the Parish Council website at https://www.harbertonparishcouncil.org/hnp/ General comments on any part of the draft plan are welcome at [email protected]

You can you to look at the exhibition materials online at https://www.harbertonparishcouncil.org/housing.../ and to share your views in the online questionnaire at https://bit.ly/HarbertonQn The closing date for the questionnaire has been extended to Sunday August 18.