The second Totnes Men's Collective group begins on Tuesday August 6.

It's for men who would like to step more fully and deeply into making their lives better physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

They meet each Tuesday evening from 6.45pm to 9.15 pm for six weeks in Totnes mostly at the Health Source but occasionally out in nature.

Here are a couple of testimonials from men who just completed the last group.

"This was a professionally well held space to explore boundaries intimacy, past hurt, boundaries, jealousy and to fire up your dreams, goals, self-esteem and empowerment as a man."

Colin Simonds

'Adrian created a warm, supportive and safe space for some deep, rich and challenging work.

I really appreciated his positivity, encouragement and sense of fun'.

P H. Totnes

If you, or someone you know, would like to join you can visit: