Rowcroft Hospice, a charity that provides palliative care support for patients and their families in the South West and runs a charity shop in Totnes, has organised a Light up a Life celebration, where they will dedicate lights on Rowcroft’s Tree of Light to honour and remember missed loved ones.

Sisters Lizzie Hurford and Vicky Walbrugh will be dedicating lights for their late Mum and Dad, Tracy and Steve Wright.

“Christmas Day won’t be the same for us this year,” said Lizzie and Vicky. “While Mum died some time ago, this December we’ll have our first Christmas without our Dad. We miss them both more than words can say, but we’re comforted to be able to honour their lives and show our love by dedicating a light for them.

“The Rowcroft care teams were there for Dad during the ups and downs of his long-term lung condition, but it was during his final days that their light truly shone the brightest. 

“The nurses took the lead and were the adults when we needed to be Dad’s children. They were the lights at the front door when darkness had crept upon us. 

“Most importantly, having care at home from the Rowcroft team meant that Dad was able to stay in his home as per his wishes. The home he loved.” 

To dedicate a light in memory of someone you love and miss, go to www.rowcroft  You will be invited to the celebration on Sunday December 3rd at 4pm in Avenue Road, Torquay, where there will be readings, poems, soothing music, quiet time for reflection as well as the illumination of the Tree of Light. 

Rowcroft’s In Memory Giving and Legacy Manager Rebecca Cogger said: “Our Light up a Life celebration is for everyone, not just those families cared for by Rowcroft. Your dedication enables you to celebrate the life of a loved one, and through a small donation, you can make a real difference to the lives of so many local patients and families needing Rowcroft’s expert care and support this Christmas. With an escalating demand for end-of-life and palliative care here in South Devon, never before has our specialist care been so needed.”