We received a few calls earlier this week regarding an article written by one of our KCC students in last week’s Gazette explaining what residents of the South Hams can and cannot recycle.
While we want to commend the young lady for encouraging the public to recycle and look after our environment, we also want to clarify South Hams District Council’s latest recycling procedures.
It should be noted that just because the South Hams District Council does not accept an item, does not mean it cannot be recycled.
Household recyclables are collected by the SHDC bi-weekly, and are to be divided into two plastic sacks, one clear and one blue. The clear sacks are for plastics and metals, and the blue are for papers, cardboard and drink cartons.
These are available for collection free-of-charge at many local shops around the South Hams, or you can order them online.
There are two more items that you may now add to the blue recycling bag, which are food and drink cartons. All other items that were previously allowed are still the same.
Items that can be added to blue recycling bags are: newspapers and magazines, food and drink cartons, envelopes and cards, writing/shredded paper, books and catalogues, cardboard packaging and corrugated cardboard.
In the clear sacks, items such as food tins and drink cans, empty aerosol cans and jar lids, clean aluminium foil, and any colour of plastic bottles are all accepted. What they will not accept is other plastics such as trays, yoghurt pots, plastic bags and wraps.
Please not that plastic lids can be left on, as SHDC will accept the plastic bottle either way.
Torr Quarry Recycling Centre accepts a wide variety of items, many of which are not listed on the SHDC website.
This is where you can take any mixed plastic to avoid throwing it in the waste bin. Torr Quarry will accept washed yoghurt pots, bins, plant pots and food trays, but still won’t accept cling film type packaging or plastic bags.
Other items TQRC will accept are glass bottles and jars, carpets, car batteries, furniture, large and small domestic appliances, mattresses and many others.
There are also many items accepted, but with restrictions such as household chemicals, ash and noxious weeds.
If you cannot make it to the recycling centre, household bulky collections can be arranged free of charge. Contact Refurnish Devon 01752 927002 or visit www.refurnish.org.uk.
For more information on household collections, which days your local bin collections are on, and where to collect your clear and blue recycling sacks, please visit www.southhams.gov.uk and click on ‘Your Waste Service’.
For a full list of items accepted and not accepted at the Torr Quarry Recycling Centre, please visit www.new.devon.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/centre/torr-quarry-recycling-centre/.